Monday, March 31, 2008

"For a Pants Wettingly Good Time!?" You Have Got To Check This Out!!

Come check out the community for fans of Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld on Fox News! Who created it, Kim? Oh, I'm glad you axed! Your's truly.

If you have not already checked out the show, please do so right away. You all know my personality and for some reason remain my friends. Trust me, you will love the show! Set your DVRs to record Red Eye w/Greg Gutfeld on the FOX News Channel. It comes on while you slumber (most likely) but it's better than caffeine in the morning when you are getting ready for work or a great way to unwind in the evening. Absolutely hilarious stuff.

So, check out the show - just do it, people. Also, support ME and sign up at The Acitivity Pit - I am becoming a bit of a new member whore and I expect nothing less than total support from my pals! :)

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